Saturday, July 10, 2010

In the Image of Man? Part 2

As noted in Part I, philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach believed that God and religion are human inventions, created to serve as a form of wish fulfillment. For instance, according to him, Christianity‘s belief in eternal life was invented to deal with man’s fear of death.

From a Christian’s perspective, Feuerbach’s logic is simply in error. Christians fear something worse than the death of the body, and that is the damnation of the soul. And while it’s true that Christians hope for eternal life in heaven, the same faith demands their belief in the everlasting fires of hell.

Does it make sense for man, in order to take away fear of something, invent something else more fearful? As author Dinesh D’Souza observed: “Wish fulfillment can explain heaven, but it cannot explain hell.”

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